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Skill Acquisition, Deliberate Practice
Deliberate practise is a conscious focus, awareness, and adjustment of your movements with the goal of perfecting the movement. It is a continuous cycle of evaluation, modification, adjustments, reflecting, evaluating and making further refinements. Once you have...

Textbook Technique And Why It Doesn’t Exist
It’s not lost on me that the title of this post will raise some eyebrows. The title shouldn’t be taken too literally; I do feel there are ideal approaches, methodologies, and “rules” to consider when coaching any part of your swim stroke I do believe there are some...

We Don’t Want To Glide
Glide is a word that is synonymous with swimming, especially swimming effortlessly. Athletes always say that they want to glide through the water, talking about making their swimming easier. But actually gliding might not be such good thing when you want to swim...

Posture – It’s Not Just For Running
The main thing I look to assist with when I look at athletes running styles is their posture while running. Good posture will help keep you injury free (apart from over training...!). It will also provide you with more power. However running is only a small part of...

Should You Learn Bilateral Breathing?
Have you been told or read that you should learn bilateral breathing? Do you know what bilateral breathing is?! What Is Bilateral Breathing? Bilateral breathing is breathing to both sides. It normally equates to breathing on an odd number of strokes - 3, 5, 7 etc. It...

Get Over The Fear Of The Tumble Turn
Have you watched people effortlessly swimming up and down, and gracefully flipping over at the wall, bouncing off and swimming the opposite direction? Have you ever wondered how people do it? Or do you watch in fear of trying something like that?! Here's how you can...

Biggest Tip To Improve Your Swim – Enjoy Swimming!
The biggest barrier to people improving their swim is the fact that many don't enjoy it! If you don't enjoy swimming, it doesn't matter how often you get in the pool, or show up to training - or even have lessons - it's going to make improvements very difficult to...

Strength Exercises For Swimming
Strength Exercises For Swimming I often get asked about what strength exercises for swimming - either to avoid injury or to get faster and stronger. Strength training of any sort can be incredibly useful - but it is only a tool. You can do all the strength work in the...

Rock & Roll Swimming – What Is Rotation
Rotation is one of the really important parts of swimming - and also quite misunderstood! Rotating the body (rather than swimming flat on your front) has 4 useful benefits: 1) Increased reach (forward and backwards) 2) Reduced frontal profile (so less resistance) 3)...

Feel the POWER – double arm pulls, the biondi drill
One of the biggest issues I find for athletes (swimmers or triathletes) is being able to put power down in the water, and to connect up what they do from sculling drills into "real" swimming. The Biondi drill is a fun but practical way of concentrating on getting a...

How Good Is Your Balance
How good is your balance. Does it matter when it comes to running? The definition of running is to have a suspended phase where you have both feet off the ground - and by association, most of your running is only done with one foot in contact with the floor. [bctt...

Running Relaxed
Sometimes wanting to run faster, push harder and over-thinking often ends up putting on the brakes. Staying relaxed when you’re tired/stressed and your body feels like lead weight is not easy. To maintain efficiency, fluidity and actually run faster with more power...