Time Crunched Running

Time Crunched Running

No Time to Run? 5 Creative Ways to Find Time Our lives are busier than ever. We are all frantically juggling family life and long working hours; some statistics showing the average working week to be close to 36 hours, with some professions working 40 or more. That’s...
Posture – It’s Not Just For Running

Posture – It’s Not Just For Running

The main thing I look to assist with when I look at athletes running styles is their posture while running. Good posture will help keep you injury free (apart from over training…!). It will also provide you with more power. However running is only a small part...
How Good Is Your Balance

How Good Is Your Balance

How good is your balance. Does it matter when it comes to running? The definition of running is to have a suspended phase where you have both feet off the ground – and by association, most of your running is only done with one foot in contact with the floor....
Running Relaxed

Running Relaxed

Sometimes wanting to run faster, push harder and over-thinking often ends up putting on the brakes. Staying relaxed when you’re tired/stressed and your body feels like lead weight is not easy. To maintain efficiency, fluidity and actually run faster with more power...
How to run faster – Triple Flexion

How to run faster – Triple Flexion

This is the most common question I hear. If I had to give only a one-phrase answer, then it is summed up to “optimizing triple flexion-triple extension”. Now what does that mean? Triple flexion-triple extension is the position of the legs during running. This position...