Swim Jargon, Language, Do YOU Understand It?

Swim Jargon, Language, Do YOU Understand It?

Negative split. Catch. CSS training. Threshold. Feel of the water. Functional training. These are all terms bandied around by athletes, coaches and magazines alike. Things we all see and hear weekly or even daily. But do YOU actually know what these words or terms...
Year in the life of the coach…

Year in the life of the coach…

A year can be a long time – and yet feel like no time at all! In mid August, I celebrated having had Tri Coaching as a company for a year, and now having done only the third race myself in that time I thought I’d look back on it. This time last year I was...
Coaching, Whoever, Wherever

Coaching, Whoever, Wherever

One of the challenges as a coach is to communicate with everyone you’re working with; whether that’s athletes (of any age/ability), other coaches, facility staff, or when coaching juniors, the parents. My intention with the business and with my coaching...