Textbook Technique And Why It Doesn’t Exist

Textbook Technique And Why It Doesn’t Exist

It’s not lost on me that the title of this post will raise some eyebrows. The title shouldn’t be taken too literally; I do feel there are ideal approaches, methodologies, and “rules” to consider when coaching any part of your swim stroke I do believe there are some...
Should You Learn Bilateral Breathing?

Should You Learn Bilateral Breathing?

Have you been told or read that you should learn bilateral breathing? Do you know what bilateral breathing is?! What Is Bilateral Breathing? Bilateral breathing is breathing to both sides. It normally equates to breathing on an odd number of strokes – 3, 5, 7...
Make Breathing Easier

Make Breathing Easier

Breathing While Swimming One of the biggest questions and comments I get when people come for swimming lessons with me is about breathing: I just find it so hard to breath/I can’t get enough air in/I keep swallowing water etc. There are three things that I get...
Optimal Freestyle Head Position

Optimal Freestyle Head Position

Last week we looked at how posture really can affect body position, control and the ease at which you swim. This week we just focus on one of those elements – where your optimal head position is. There are four things that head position will affect in your...
Breathing While Running

Breathing While Running

Just before you crest a hill or reach the end of a speed interval, your lungs go into overdrive. Your breath becomes shallow and rapid. You think if only you could pull in more air, you could surge up that hill or maintain your pace. But the more your chest heaves,...