Oregon Circuits – Give Track Sessions A Kick!

Oregon Circuits – Give Track Sessions A Kick!

Track Sessions – Why? Lots of athletes get out and do track sessions – for various reasons. Some do it for speed, some do it for technique, some for power; some just for the ability to run with others! All of the above are certainly applicable, but some...
Running Quietly

Running Quietly

This isn’t about running with company and whether your running partner talks too much! Its all about putting less shock through your joints and legs. Why Do It: By putting less shock through your legs, you can run further, faster and easier. The main barrier to...
Running Form

Running Form

Olà from Alcochete in Portugal! One of the three sites for our partners at Lisbonsouth.com; we were running in the sun by the banks of the River Tejo and it’s super peaceful! For today’s Run Form Friday comment I wanted to look at why we do drills and...