Running Arm Swing

Running Arm Swing

All too frequently, when focusing on running technique the main areas addressed are the biomechanics of the legs and feet. But what about the movements and use of the upper body and arm swing? In my coaching experience, there are huge gains to be made by learning to...
Run Quietly

Run Quietly

Stand beside a road sometime and watch a race instead of running it. You will see in the passing parade what you might not have noticed from the middle of it, focusing only on yourself and the runners within sight. If you wouldn’t have been one of the lead...
Running Downhill Effectively

Running Downhill Effectively

Almost every runner we work with at some point asks about how their new, more efficient running technique applies when running uphill and running downhill. There are some great cues and concepts to take note of when it comes to successful hill running. Get these...
Running Arm Swing: Efficient/Useful Technique

Running Arm Swing: Efficient/Useful Technique

All too frequently, when focusing on running technique the main areas addressed are the biomechanics of the legs and feet, but what about the movements and use of the upper body and arms? In my coaching experience, there are huge gains to be made for an athlete when...