Updated website + Virtual video swim analysis

Updated website + Virtual video swim analysis

You may or may not have noticed, but there have been a couple of changes around here!Some of it has been structural for the website – but there is also a new feature, a new toolthat we are offering. The website has been in need of a bit of love, care and attention for...
Year in the life of the coach…

Year in the life of the coach…

A year can be a long time – and yet feel like no time at all! In mid August, I celebrated having had Tri Coaching as a company for a year, and now having done only the third race myself in that time I thought I’d look back on it. This time last year I was...
How Quickly Do You Adapt To Training?

How Quickly Do You Adapt To Training?

In short, it depends on the experience of the athlete and the type of session you are performing. It’s the question all athletes want to know the answer to: “How long will it be before I see the benefits from my workout?” How quickly will I adapt to training that...
Quality training sessions start with FOCUS

Quality training sessions start with FOCUS

“You can keep going and your legs might hurt for a week or you can quit and your mind will hurt for a lifetime.” (Mark Allen) I have 4 questions for you: How often do you give less than 100% in your workout? When is the last time you really gave it a full,...
Why Do We Choose Triathlon?

Why Do We Choose Triathlon?

15 years ago it was running marathons and half marathons. Now its doing all manner of triathlons, from super sprint introductory races all the way through to Ironman. What is it that drives us to take on these events, these challenges of superhuman efforts? Why Do We...