Distance Per Stroke – Extend Front To Back

Distance Per Stroke – Extend Front To Back

Distance per stroke is a commonly used phrase with swimming and triathlon. But many athletes don’t fully understand what it means. When swimmers see DPS, they immediately think, “Oh, that means that I should just extend my arm more and glide more.” While you...
Freestyle Recovery – Lift From The Elbows

Freestyle Recovery – Lift From The Elbows

Watching top swimmers, they predominantly have one of two types of freestyle recovery. Either high elbow – the classical style mostly taught, or with a straight arm recovery. As mentioned last week, your recovery doesn’t do a lot for making you quicker...
Bilateral Breathing

Bilateral Breathing

Bilateral Breathing If you are able to breath to one side WHILE maintaining good form, then more power to you. However, very few people can do this. Bilateral breathing is seen as a must have skill, a must do with regards to technique. The problem with only breathing...
Finish Your Stroke

Finish Your Stroke

One of the first segments of a swimmer’s stroke to fall apart when fatigue sets in is the finish, the last bit of underwater pulling that takes place during the arms-submerged cycle. Powered by the tricep muscles of the upper arm, the finish of your stroke is...
Breathing is Overrated

Breathing is Overrated

Breathing creates havoc while you are swimming. However, breathing is reasonably important to survival, let alone performance, so we need to look at the effect that the action has – and how we can minimise the effect on the body’s travels through the...