Are Swim Drills Good For You

Are Swim Drills Good For You

Many swimmers ask how often they should be doing drill sessions or swims; how many swim drills they should be doing. Swim drills can be a pretty controversial topic depending on who you speak to. Why Would You Use Swim Drills? Drills are a useful part of working on...
Pull Glide drill

Pull Glide drill

The majority of triathletes like using a pull buoy to make life easier for themselves. Very few use it as a tool to improve their swimming – so here is a potential drill that you might be able to use. Rather than relying on a pull buoy to keep the hips afloat...
Head Up Swim Drill & Sighting

Head Up Swim Drill & Sighting

With triathlon season now coming into full swing in the UK, and the Open Water challenge swims not far off, learning to swim effectively with head up is important. As any of my swimmers will tell you, its one of the few times I will tell them to look forward; if...