Bilateral Breathing

Bilateral Breathing

Bilateral Breathing If you are able to breath to one side WHILE maintaining good form, then more power to you. However, very few people can do this. Bilateral breathing is seen as a must have skill, a must do with regards to technique. The problem with only breathing...
Video Swim Analysis

Video Swim Analysis

With the racing season fast approaching, most athletes are thinking of entering events – whether its their first ever race or as a seasoned competitor! One of the things that can really help your motivation towards the season, and help give you real direction...
Swimming Quiet, Swim Fast

Swimming Quiet, Swim Fast

When you look at a pool of swimmers doing lengths, which ones are moving the fastest? The ones who are splashing and churning away at the water? Or the people being controlled, swimming quiet, serenely and smoothly through the water. Of course its the swimmers making...
15 Swim Tips for Winter 2018

15 Swim Tips for Winter 2018

When asked what scares athletes (especially beginners) the most about triathlons, it is the swim and when prompted to explain what they are scared about, they usually say, finishing. Preparation, therefore, is key. Here are 15 swim tips you can focus on to make this...
Breathing is Overrated

Breathing is Overrated

Breathing creates havoc while you are swimming. However, breathing is reasonably important to survival, let alone performance, so we need to look at the effect that the action has – and how we can minimise the effect on the body’s travels through the...