New swim coaching location

New swim coaching location

Exciting news! While it is amazing coaching people and helping to get people comfortablein the water, or improve their swimming in Bristol, there are a large number of people whoare a long way away from there! With that, its an amazing privilege to announce that wenow...
Getting The Most From Open Water Swim Training

Getting The Most From Open Water Swim Training

Swim training is exactly the same as run or bike training. Do plenty of variety in the effort, and you’ll get quicker! Of course, swimming has more of a technical element – but that can be accounted for with drills, built into warm-ups and cool-downs, all...
How Quickly Can You Lose Fitness

How Quickly Can You Lose Fitness

How much will taking time off from running hurt my fitness? It’s one of the most common questions I get from athletes struggling with injury, fighting illness, or hesitant to take a much-needed rest from training. This becomes especially prescient now with training...
How To Work On Developing Your Swim

How To Work On Developing Your Swim

Swimming is the most disliked section of a triathlon. My guess is that around 80% of triathletes would count the swim as their least favourite part of a triathlon. A big part of training then is about making swimming easier and more enjoyable – as much as it is about...
Dealing With Time Out Of The Water And Starting Back

Dealing With Time Out Of The Water And Starting Back

Life is challenging at the moment. All you want to do is be in the pool. And unless you’re close to an open water venue – and brave enough to hit single digit temperature water – it’s going to be a while yet before we can get back to it. In the meantime, there are...