Preventing Shin Splints

Preventing Shin Splints

You don’t think about your shins until they hurt. And by then, you could be looking at some major downtime. A recent study found that it takes, on average, 71 days to rehab shin splints. Shin splints (the term for pain that occurs on the front outside part of the...
Heel Strike VS Forefoot Strike

Heel Strike VS Forefoot Strike

One of the most common questions I am asked by runners of all standards is “What part of the foot should I land on? Should I land on the heel or the forefoot”? This is also the topics of many running articles, theories, advertising campaigns and debates. My short...
Trail Running, Go Get Muddy!

Trail Running, Go Get Muddy!

Why Get Trail Running? Trail running, like off road driving, presents similar challenges. Road running, no matter how long you’ve been doing it, won’t prepare your body or mind for what awaits after you step off those smooth, flat surfaces. Read on for the...
Running With Music

Running With Music

I’ve always felt that running with music makes things easier, and if you’re like me, then you probably will grab a music player and headphones before you head out for a run and potentially your favorite playlist. The question is, can music make you a better runner?...
Aqua Jogging for Runners: Rehab, Recovery, Strength

Aqua Jogging for Runners: Rehab, Recovery, Strength

Getting injured sucks. It doesn’t matter if you’re an elite runner logging 120 miles per week or you are training for your first 5k; being sidelined is physically and emotionally hard to deal with. Unfortunately, getting injured also very common. Studies estimate that...
Running Arm Swing

Running Arm Swing

All too frequently, when focusing on running technique the main areas addressed are the biomechanics of the legs and feet. But what about the movements and use of the upper body and arm swing? In my coaching experience, there are huge gains to be made by learning to...