Freestyle Recovery – Lift From The Elbows

Freestyle Recovery – Lift From The Elbows

Watching top swimmers, they predominantly have one of two types of freestyle recovery. Either high elbow – the classical style mostly taught, or with a straight arm recovery. As mentioned last week, your recovery doesn’t do a lot for making you quicker...

Lactic Acid, Lactate, Effect & Training

There’s a lot of fuss in the running world about lactate. Or, depending on who you ask, lactic acid. It’s been blamed for fatigue, soreness, overtraining, and probably more. Until recently, the phenomenon of lactate accumulation during intense exercise was poorly...
Straight Arm Freestyle

Straight Arm Freestyle

We’ve all seen the textbook photos of how to swim freestyle, how to swim with the classically high elbow and hand close to the side of the body. But what happens when you don’t have the required flexibility in the shoulders to keep that high or relaxed? Or...
Take A Break – Why Do Athletes Need It?

Take A Break – Why Do Athletes Need It?

Just in case you were thinking of getting straight back into training for next year, here is some reasoning on why you should have a few weeks of active recovery and definitely take a break. The Kenyan Runners swear by it – ‘Nearly every Kenyan Runner...
Aqua Jogging for Runners: Rehab, Recovery, Strength

Aqua Jogging for Runners: Rehab, Recovery, Strength

Getting injured sucks. It doesn’t matter if you’re an elite runner logging 120 miles per week or you are training for your first 5k; being sidelined is physically and emotionally hard to deal with. Unfortunately, getting injured also very common. Studies estimate that...