Heel Strike VS Forefoot Strike

Heel Strike VS Forefoot Strike

One of the most common questions I am asked by runners of all standards is “What part of the foot should I land on? Should I land on the heel or the forefoot”? This is also the topics of many running articles, theories, advertising campaigns and debates. My short...
Swim Slow To Swim Fast

Swim Slow To Swim Fast

Swim Slow Making gains in your swimming is a constant battle, and this is not made any easier with so much conflicting information available. Add to this new go-faster devices and gadgets that promise to deliver fast swim times, and it can be extremely confusing for...
Choosing Running Shoes

Choosing Running Shoes

It’s a natural tendency in our society to try and simplify complex training ideas and topics into one-size-fits-all recommendations. Even the most knowledgeable of athletes can’t resist headlines that claim to have found the “hack” or the “secret” to better training....
Running Backwards

Running Backwards

Running can be boring at times, especially on the treadmill or on the track when you haven’t necessarily got scenery to distract you! One of the things we try to do here is give you drills for your warm ups or easy sessions to give you something to engage with,...
Single-Arm Trailing Freestyle Drill

Single-Arm Trailing Freestyle Drill

This is an old standby drill for freestyle that’s been done by coaches and swimmers since as long as we can remember. You may well have done this with your arm out in front – for balance. Here we do it with the still arm trailing – so you can get...