Time Crunched Running

Time Crunched Running

No Time to Run? 5 Creative Ways to Find Time Our lives are busier than ever. We are all frantically juggling family life and long working hours; some statistics showing the average working week to be close to 36 hours, with some professions working 40 or more. That’s...
15 Swim Tips for Winter 2018

15 Swim Tips for Winter 2018

When asked what scares athletes (especially beginners) the most about triathlons, it is the swim and when prompted to explain what they are scared about, they usually say, finishing. Preparation, therefore, is key. Here are 15 swim tips you can focus on to make this...
Take A Break – Why Do Athletes Need It?

Take A Break – Why Do Athletes Need It?

Just in case you were thinking of getting straight back into training for next year, here is some reasoning on why you should have a few weeks of active recovery and definitely take a break. The Kenyan Runners swear by it – ‘Nearly every Kenyan Runner...

Recovery Tips

I have previously written about the importance of taking rest days and adaptation weeks. But what about the little things that you can do in between each training session to enhance your recovery and in turn improve your performance? When you are an athlete looking to...
Why Running Faster is Not Always Better‏

Why Running Faster is Not Always Better‏

Faster Is Not Always Better Breaking the speed limit in a car is illegal; if I had it my way as a coach, it would be illegal in training workouts too! In a runner’s mind faster is always better, and any run that is longer or harder than prescribed is considered an...